Are you willing to give up sleep???

Woke up this morning to a video called. "How bad do you want it"  This video has inspired me to get this life of mine going.  I kept finding new excuses trying to justify my lack of progress.  While I've still been studying and reading my ass off.  In my heart I know that there are so many things I coulda, shoulda, woulda done but those  moments are in the past. This will be the beginning of my site that I've vowed to give up sleep for.  The goal is to reach out to as many like minded individuals and open minded people as possible.  My younger brother has just left for Air Force training and while my views on the military are for the most part not very positive.  I completely support those like my brother going in trying to better themselves and leave behind friends who will probably only hold him back.  Not because they are bad friends but "Misery love company".



 My passion for seeking spiritual enlightenment grows daily.  TThe word "gibberish" refers to the alchemical writings of an alchemist known as
Geber. Because alchemical writing is so difficult to understand, it became a word to mean anything

Bear in mind that the chief error in this Art is haste.
Patience is, therefore, the greatcardinal virtue in Alchemy.